MMT Hunter 300 Lt.

MMT Hunter 300 Lt.

  • Description


Head and Bellows System

The bonnet of the machine makes it easier to use when you compare it with other systems, thanks to its ability to swivel 350 degrees to the right and to the left, and 75 degrees up and down. Another feature that distinguishes the bonnet from other models is that the fan can turn right and left at 25 degrees. This allows more effective handling and spraying than other vehicle models.

Control System

The manual remote control provides movement to the system. All machine functions can be controlled with the hand control panel. The emergency stop button on the main control panel also allows you to disable the system in case of emergency.

Nozzle System

MMT Hunter has 1 nozzle for ULV applications. The nozzle system is controlled by high pressure pump which can apply 0-140 bar pressure. This spray can be applied in a wide or small volume spraying at a distance of 30 meters with the nozzle structure forming droplets in the range of 0-50 microns. The ULV application is controlled from the hand control panel.

MIST Blower

In addition to the 1 ULV hood for MMT Hunter mist application, it also has 6 nozzles placed in the main hose. Mist application is controlled from hand control panel. When the drug button on the control panel is in the mist position, 1 ULV nozzle and 6 mist nozzles start to work at the same time. This is how, the most effective application is provided in areas where more intensive application is required. In mist applications, droplets are obtained in the range of 40-100 microns.  Since the system works with ULV, a complete hybrid application is provided.

Canal Pest Control

Machine’s Extension hose (optional extension up to 100 meters) makes it easy to spray for the hard-to-reach places. A droplet of 100-200 microns in diameter is formed with the nozzle located at the tip of the spray gun. Residual and larval treatments are done this way.


Fuel Tank Capacity: 14 lt
Fuel Type: Diesel
Fuel Consumption: 1.5 It/Saat
Engine Power: 19 hp/14 Kw

Height: 157 cm
Width: 96 cm
Length: 13.5 cm
Weight : 400 kg